Digital M Series

Leica began its electronics venture by installing a light meter inside their M5. M5 body size increased on its left side to house the analog circuitry, and its technology looked like a Siemens telephone of its time. CL was more intricate, joint designed with the Japanese. M6 incorporated flex circuits for its built-in center weighted metering system, reading the light off of a white circle on its first curtain. M7 electronics controlled both the metering system, and the shutter speed, and this portion of the circuitry, and the LED display inside the viewfinder looks exactly like M8. M8, and M9 look the same except the M9 is a full frame camera, and they both use sensors built by a company inside Germany, also making sensors for the S system.

M6 inner electromechanics layout

Leica M7 inner bottom layout

M7 with body shell removed

M7 rear view

Leica M8 (2006)

Leica M9 (2012)

Display, and setting wheel

M8 With half case

Not an easy Repair !