Bayonet mount, M Series

In 1954, Leica M3 initiated the new series of Leicas whose body shape is still being imitated today. Leica M3 offered a sophisticated bright frame mechanism that adapted to lens change. It simultaneously compensated for parallax errors, and combined rangefinder, and the viewfinder optics. It offered non-rotating shutter speed dial, and new hinged back door for easier film alignment with the film gate. The film gate in M3 was also much more precise than earlier models. M3 also offered a bayonet lens mount that is still Leica's standard M-mount, and all the leica M lenses are still usable, and compatible with digital M cameras.


Leica M3 (1954-1966) black with single stroke advance lever

Rear view of Leica M3 shows added hinged back door

Leica M2 (1958-1967) with new oblique path rangefinder optics

Leica M1 (1959-1964) medical without rangefinder

Leica M4 (1967-1975) with slanted rewind knob

Leica M4 Black

Leica M5 (1971-1975) with built-in light meter

Leica M5 black

Compact Leica CL (1973-1976) with built-in light meter

Leica M4-P (1981-1987)

Leica M4-2 (1977-1980)

Leica M6 (1984-1999)

Leica M7 (2000-current)

Leica M7 rear ASA setting dial

Not an easy Repair !