Minox Accessories

Minox accessories are beautifully made with high quality, many of them ahead of their time. The tripod mount in minox is not on the body but on the accessories that fit the body. The accessory port on Minox A is hidden by a spring loaded button on one end of its body (right). For example the knurled knob on the binocular attachment (below) inserts a locking key inside the accessory port, and turns 90 degrees to lock it in place. This port is also where the chain (below. right) is attached. This chain has graduated to set the distance for close up photography.

Minox 1 design contains a few hidden accessories: There is a knurled slide on top left of the camera (above) that switches filters in front of the taking lens (center). Left  side of main body (right) has a hidden accessory port that extrudes out like the door handle on a Tesla.

Binocular attachment allows Minox 1 to be held behind one the eyepiece of binoculars for extreme telephoto shots.

Hand held Slide or negative magnifier

Hand held Slide or negative magnifier

Minox flash bulb attachment. The lever on the side (left) extracts the reflector that spreads open to cover the flash bulb from behind.

Hand held Selenium Cell light meter

Minox side photo attachment for taking photos at a right angles without being noticed