Misc. 35 mm Cameras

Focaflex camera with low profile body design

Innovations in 35 mm camera design were with some less known names like Focaflex, Rectaflex, Robot, Contax, Kiev, Zenith, Sport, Mercury, Praktica, Konica, Yashica, Pentax, Fujica, etc. SOme of them are well documented in my book: "Restoring the SLR".

Contax IIA

Contax S

Kiev copy of Contax

Kiev15 with rotary sector blade shutter

Konica FS-1

Mamiya 528TL

Mercury Disc shutter 35 mm camera

Robot spring wound 35 mm camera

Wrayflex 35 mm SLR with no pentaprism

Zenith 35 mm SLR Leica IIIf copy