
Olympus reputation began with their introduction of Olympus Pen half frame camera designed by a young designer Mr. Maitani. More models followed such as Olympus Pen-F,  the world's first half frame SLR with full range of lenses, and accessories., and Olympus OM-1 the worlds most compact 35 mm SLR of its time.


Olympus offered microscopes, endoscopes, telescope, and even miniature tape recorders bearing their name. This is common among Japanese companies, when they start understanding something they go to cover another similar market. The camera branch of the company came to a close in 2020 but the microscopy, and biomedical imaging branch took off so well, and is flourishing.

Yoshihisa Maitani, Olympus designer

Olympus Pen-FT half frame camera


Olympus XA 35 mm camera


Olympus OM-1

Olympus OM-2


Olympus lenses

Micro tape recorder

ED 35-180 long zoom 35 mm camera

Camedia 5.1 MPixel digital camera