
Robot’s design was the work of Hans Heinrich Berning, manufactured in Wetzlar. He lived happily ever after. This small camera with its spring cocked motorized mechanism was the Go-Pro of 1940’s. It was sometimes utilized under a vest for espionage photography. It is designed like clockworks. The shutter consists of three curtains: Two blades opens like a doll's artificial eyelids while pushing on the release button, while the other rotates like  disc shutter to make the exposure. The camera releases the shutter, and advances the film at relatively high rate.

Robot disassembled to show its inner components, and unique shutter

Above, the shutter charging, and release operation in Robot. Robot has three shutter blades (similar to Beaulieu camera). The first two shutter blades open like a doll's eye while pressing the shutter release button. The third blade is a fast acting disc shutter that delivers a full range of shutter speeds.