This is a medium size pendulum clock with two chime rods that run horizontally on the long base of its wooden housing. It is a compact fire place or shelf-top clock that when you open the back, everything is laid out nicely inside, specially the tunning rods (although 4 rods would have been also possible). This is one way the tall clocks could be housed without the awkwardness of some designs that try to fit as many chime rods they can inside a tiny box. The design is really favorable once you own one.

Sessions Shelf-Top Clock

Two main springs (right) drive the clock, and chime movements of the clock. This is a well designed movement because in spite of its age, it could still be repaired to make a reliable household clock.

Front, and rear view of the pallet wheel, and pendulum movement shows the adjustments for speed, and the distance of the pallet to the pallet wheel. The closer the pallet to pallet wheel, the larger would be the pendulum's swing.